So, in January this year I joined a choir. It's something I have always fancied doing but never quite found the time or the courage to do. When I was six I was in my school choir, we ended up performing in a big competition in Luton Arndale Centre at Christmas time. The memories I have of this experience are still so vivid and so comforting.
You know that feeling you get when you hear a song you absolutely love, being sung by a large group of people... the Goosebumps, that intense shiver down your spine...
well I love that!
Flashmobs, gospel choirs, children singing, barbershop quartets... I love them all!
One evening I was sitting in bed, browsing Facebook, when an advert for Somewhere2Sing Choir came up on my feed. I then browsed more, looking at some of their performances. There was one that stood out, a performance of a song from the Lion King, being performed at a wildlife park... I wanted to be involved in something like that!
Next came a couple of emails and a visit to my local group. I met new friends, an amazing choir leader called Jo, I found a new outlet to manage the stress and mixed emotions of my work and most importantly, I had fun.
Then, later in the year, we were asked if we would like to take part in an opportunity at Abbey Road and of course I signed up. I do however admit to almost backing out last minute through nerves... I'm so glad I didn't.
The video created from the day is above, I really hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed taking part in the recording.
So, If you have ever really fancied doing something, whatever it may be, go do it! Live For Now...
Life is Far too Short!!!